Joey Hersh 

Trinity University Computer Science Student

About Me

Hello! I’m Joey Hersh. I am a second year Trinity University Computrer Science major, minoring in Mathematics. I am currently CEO of ReCap Budget, a company that uses bank transaction data and receipt scanning to provide tailored guidance to help people reach their savings goals.  

I enjoy applying an engineering mindset to problems in the cloud.



Professional Skills 

  • Full proficiency in Python, C++, Haskell and Scala. Basic knowledge of HTML5 CSS basic knowledge of Java, Rust, JavaScript and Lua
  • 1000+ Hours of exeperience using AWS services including Lambda, SageMaker, S3, DynamoDB, EC2, SQS, VPCs, IAM , Managed ML, etc...
  • Extensive experience using a number of Python libraries including Pandas, PyTorch, Numpy, Tensorflow, Keras and Matplotlib
  • Fusion 360 and Autocad 3D modeling and simulation
  • Project and team management, communication of techincal ideas to non-technical people 
  • Adobe Creative Cloud for photo and video editing, special effects, and web design (full proficiency in Photoshop, Lightroom, Premiere, After Effects, Dreamweaver, InDesign, Illustrator)  
  • Mathematical Modeling in MATLAB, R Studio and Microsoft Excel  
  • Rapid prototyping (3D printing, laser cutting, CNC, and Woodworking)

Work Experience

Chief Executive Officer, Head Machine Learning Engineer    at Breakthrough CTX
Raised seed capital and became finalists in the Stumberg Venture Competition, where we were awarded $30k worth of seed capital and prizes. I spent the months leading up to this past summer designing the application's (mostly) serverless, cloud native architecture that utilizes over 25 AWS services. I had the opportunity to lead a team of seven developers through implementing that architecture into code. My role during the summer focused on leveraging ensemble learning algorithms (XG-BOOST) as well as fine-tuned, large language models (GPT-3) alongside AWS-managed ML services such as Textract, Comprehend, etc. to analyze user uploaded receipts and generate unique advice on how to spend money better. My role also included managing the communication between the development and business units, and explaining complex backend logic to people with minimal expertise. Over the past few months, we've met the cyber-security standards for Plaid production-level access to account balance and transaction data from most major American banks. We have also developed the entire backend infrastructure and React Native front end.
IT Support and Systems Administration for Staff and Student at Break`through CTX
Summer volunteer position through St. Andrew's Episcopal School assisting Breakthrough, a non-profit organization that helps sixth through twelfth-grade students that hope to become first-generation college students achieve their goals. Provided IT support each summer to both staff and students ranging from mobile phone repair to network configuration of staff laptops.
Senior Manager at St. Andrews Innovation Center
For St. Andrew’s maker space/innovation lab, acted as assistant, promoted to student manager, responsible for training students on or operating equipment for them, including laser cutters, 3D printers, power tools, soldering equipment, CAD/CAM (computer-aided 3D design) software, and industrial cutting tools (CNC mill). Devoted 15 hours per week to helping, building, cleaning, and managing. Also designed the dedicated server, PCs, and virtual reality demos including ports of WII games to virtual reality with custom controllers.


Computer Science   
Introdction to Programming for Engineers, Computer Science Principles II, Discrete Structures, Functional Languages, Data Abstraction
Mecanical Engineering   
Introduction to Mechanics (Physics I) , Mechanics I (Statics), Mechanics II (Dynamics), Mass and Energy Balances, Physics I Lab   
Electrical Engineering   
'Electricity, Magnatism, and Waves' (Physics II), Electric Circiuts, Electronics, Physics II Lab, Circiuts Lab, Electronics Lab   
Computer Science   
Introdction to Programming for Engineers, Computer Science Principles II, Discrete Structures, Functional Languages, Data Abstraction
Calculus I, Calculus II, Calculus III, Differential Equations and Linnear Algebra, Probabilty and Statistics 
Engineering Design (I, II, III, and IV),  General Chemistry, Asian Religions, What We Know That Just Ain't So (6 credit writing intensive)    

Personal Projects

Python / Lambda / O-Auth 

XKCD Screensaver 

Uses AWS Lambda to pull in the newest XKCD into a Flickr album every morning. This album is then pulled down as a screensaver through an Android TV application.            .        

GPT-3 / Python / Textract    

DocumentAssistant - a reading comprehention bot 

Designed a bot chat bot that can scan a PDF document and can answer the user's questions about it's contents. The program first extracts text from the document using OCR, then uses a custom extractive summarization model to identify key information. Then, the summarized text and question are analyzed by GPT-3 along with the questions and paramerters provided by the user

Fusion 360 / MATLAB / Excel / Rapid Prototyping   

Truss Design Competition Runner Up

Designed and built a carbon fiber 3d printed truss weighing 20g, able to hold the second highest load of 850lbs  Utilized 3d modeling, stress simulation in Fusion 360, and mathematical modeling and optimization in Excel and Matlab. 3D printed using carbon fiber fillament.     

Adobe Illustrator / Rapid Prototyping / Fusion 360  

Designed and Produced 1300 Masks

At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, I designed the first laser cut reusable mask template, and produced 1300 masks independently for donation to local nursing homes and homeless shelters using reclaimed donation fabric. Also produced 47 3d printed reusable face shields for hospitals.

Cloud Computing / Python

Trained GPT-2 Artificial Intelligence Text Generator  

Used Google Cloud Platform to fine tune GPT-2, an artificial intelligence text generation model, to mimic friends’ speech based on cleaned message logs collected using the Discord API.

AWS S3 / DynamoDB / CloudWatch / Route 53  / CloudFront / Dreamweaver

This Website!

This website was created using a wide array of AWS tools. The site is a static webpage hosted at no cost in S3. The viewer count is stored in a DynamoDB table (needlessly complicated, but a fun test nevertheless), the domain name is manged in route 53. The distribution is accelerated and the connection is encrypted with Cloudfront. Cloudwatch will alert me to any unusually high costs, and provides site metrics.


Joey Hersh